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Turn Insights Into Cases Into Outcomes

Our out of the box and client specific solutions range from investigation and employee workflows all the way to governance, risk, & compliance workflows.

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Use Case

Banking & Finance

Our out of the box and client specific solutions help with financial investigations, allowing investigators to streamline their investigative processes by automating many administrative tasks.

Use Case


We understand the importance of upholding academic integrity within educational institutions. That is why we provide software solutions to maintain integrity and identify cases of academic misconduct.

Use Case

Workplace & HR

Workplace investigations often revolve around sensitive issues and information, so you want your investigations team working with the very best employee relations management system.

Use Case

Private Investigations

Polonious was designed by investigators for investigators. Our software is currently helping countless private investigation teams develop more streamlined automated investigations processes.




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Why do I need an investigation management system?

An investigation management system allows you to efficiently refer and manage suspicious claims to your investigations team.

Why can't I use alternatives like CRMs or Detection Tools for investigations?

Although CRM has useful information on customers and potential clients, it is ultimately person-focused, and is thus inappropriate as an investigation tool. Detection tools are great at finding fraud, but not great at proving it. You need specialised investigation management for investigations.

Where does it fit in?

Ideally, an investigation management system should sit in an anti-fraud program, with API integrations and referrals as detection systems.

How can it help me?

Our system will improve productivity through automation, help avoid administration costs, ensure complete regulatory compliance, and allow case management mobility with the Polonious mobile app.